Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nights out with New Friends

Just some nights out with new friends
Isabella and Weazel

Lovely Leni

Weazel and Toby

Classic Crazy Dustin

The guy who insisted I take his flower haha
Alex's typical disarrayed face
The Lovely sisters Dana and Rania and also Tina 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Castles, views, and goulash

 This view from afar of the castle for which Salzburg is named after. Salz (obviously means salt) and Burg means castle. It is a little too cold to leisurely walk around the castle so we just took a picture with more to come later

Hey I found my brother Jack's old bedroom.....

My attempt to take a panorama picture

Such beautiful horses. Reminded me of Coach Holt's stories about Kentucky Derby thoroughbreds.

 On our way to workouts we came across an Egyptian protest. Protest over this issue have reached all over Austria as well over Europe. This has been largest peaceful overthrow of a dictatorship in the history of Mankind. Long the Revolution. Power to the people!!!

This 500 year old Horse bath. The purpose of this bath mandated all visitors with horses to bathe their horses in order to cleanse their visiting horses of pesticides in order to prevent diseases from spreading. 

These tunnels are also 500 years old  to allow traffic to go in and out of the mountains instead of over or around. On a dismal side note, one person a month will take their life by jumping off the ledge on the other side of this tunnel.

This is Goulash. It is more of a hungarian dish but when Austria and Hungary were united under the Ottomen empire they shared a lot of similar foods and customs. The beer is brewed in the same location. The sauce of the goulash is made with beer (They call is beer meat).

Dustin and I taking our Photo opts. This looks out to South Austria and looking further beyond the alps are the Dolomonites and Italy

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Random Pic

Here are some random pictures I have taken around my apartment and the city.
The main shopping drag

Very unique animal cream. haha

A cool sculpture I ran into
This is a church and cemetary where a memorial service was just about to begin. It is right outside my apartment.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

My flat and Salz Sites

These are some pictures from my apartment. The view is breathtaking in the morning. There are two decks one connects right outside my room.

These next photos are some shots of famous sites in the old part Salzburg. I met this professor today who said that Salzburg is a walled city, meaning there are rows of buildings one after the other with little passage ways leading to the next wall of buildings. Maybe ralf or alex could verify this.

Mozart statue

An example of streets and rows (or walls) of buildings

An example of waterfront buildings on the Stadtshiffahrt River

Some more views of the Stadtshiffahrt River

The Residenzplatz. In the summer time the Fountain is flowing.

More to come

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Well I arrived today around 6:00pm in Munich and met up with Alex, Guernova(spelling?), and  Dustin (the other american QB. It currently -5 degrees C which is I was told 25 degrees F. We drove to our apartment in Salzburg for another hr. and half. We then went and had weiner schnitzels, weisse, and schnapps with some other guys from the team. haha.  Pictures will come soon when I get a chance thanks to Nate for rushing to get me my camera I forgot in your car. This team is like a big family and they do everything together. Tomorrow we practice at 8:30pm (we have to practice later because of the players that full time workers). ciao more later